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5 Tips for Keeping Your Pet Healthy

September 22, 2023

Cats, dogs, and other pets are wonderful additions to the family. According to CNBC, almost 70% of U.S. households have at least one pet. If you are among the many who have one or more pets, here are five tips to keep them healthy and happy.

1. Ensure a Balanced and Nutritious Diet

Lots of pet foods are less than ideal sources of nutrition that could threaten your pet's health over many years. Many dry pet foods lack the nutrients needed to help cats and dogs live long and healthy lives. You should pay close attention to the foods that you feed your pets, and give them a good mix of dry and wet foods that are packed full of beneficial vitamins and nutrients.

2. Give Them Lots of Exercise

You should take your pet dog and even your cat for walks as much as possible, so they can stretch their legs and exercise their hearts, lungs, and muscles. If you don’t have a yard or another safe location to walk your pets, you should try to play with them indoors to prevent accidents that might require
animal urgent care. It helps to give them toys and other things that encourage them to play and exercise safely while inside.

3. Vaccinate Your Pets

Pet vaccinations are especially important for preventing your pet dog or cat from catching a potentially deadly disease. It’s especially important to keep them up to date on vaccinations if your pets go outside and encounter other animals. Rabies, distemper, and many potentially deadly diseases could be contracted from things they encounter outdoors.

4. Prevent Flea and Tick Infestations

Fleas and ticks are an ever-present problem for many pets, especially during the summer. You can use flea collars that discourage pests from hopping on, and kill them if they bite your pet. Flea and tick medications and shampoos can also help to protect against pests and keep your home clear of them.

5. Schedule Annual Checkups

Dogs and cats can seem indestructible since they tend to stay in good health well into their adult years. An annual checkup that includes blood work will help to affirm your pet is in good health and identify any problems that might become worse over time, like kidney disease or other conditions that often claim older pets’ lives.

For more tips and advice on how to keep your pet healthy, call Emergency Animal Hospital of Crystal Falls. We look forward to meeting you and your pet!

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